Act Now!


Don’t sit on the sidelines, join us!

Why become a member?

Membership connects you to a network of allies, experts, and fellow alpha-gal advocates and gives you a voice in shaping the policies needed to improve the quality of life for those with AGS.

Membership benefits include:

  • Advocacy updates
  • Advocacy training
  • Access to advocacy tools
  • Action alerts
  • Invitations to participate in advocacy efforts and other events


Support alpha-gal advocacy efforts

Why donate?

Alpha-gal Alliance Action Fund is run by volunteers, and our board covers all of our operating expenses. 

100% of your support will be used to:

  • Educate state and federal decision-makers about alpha-gal policy priorities
  • Train alpha-gal advocates in local communities
  • Create opportunities for alpha-gal advocates to catalyze change


Educate yourself and others about the issues

Why learn about AGS?

Educate yourself about the issues that affect the alpha-gal community to better inform the public and your elected officials. Learn the language that experts use to discuss AGS in order to enhance your credibility with those you wish to influence.

The Basics

Start by making sure you have the basics down. The CDC has created an excellent summary of AGS basics:

Policy priorities

How can we make life better for people with AGS? You can’t change the world until you know what changes you want to make. Review our policy priorities. Some may resonate with you more than others. You may have your own ideas for policy initiatives. The goal is to find something you feel is worth fighting for!

Downloadable resources

Key statistics on alpha-gal syndrome

Click image to enlarge

Download Key Statistics PDF

Alpha-gal syndrome infographic

Click image to enlarge

Download Infographic JPG

Become an Advocate

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Contact Us

5614 Connecticut Ave., NW #114
Washington, DC 20015-2604

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