Fiscal Year 2026
Appropriations Requests
FY26 Appropriations Requests
In 2025, in addition to working to towards passage of the Alpha-gal Allergen Inclusion Act, we are advocating for alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) related appropriations, including:
1. In keeping with the three public health priorities identified in the CDC 2023 report, additional CDC funding to:
- Educate healthcare providers in the diagnosis and management of AGS
- Improve AGS surveillance
- Raise public awareness
- Build local capacity through partnerships with local governments, health, education, community, non-profit, and faith-based sectors, with an emphasis on high-incidence communities
2. Language encouraging the NIH to
- Deepen our understanding of the immunological mechanisms and natural history of alpha-gal syndrome
- Develop new protocols, therapies, and other tools for the management of AGS.
- Clarify the role of AGS and related immunological responses to tick bites in driving chronic disease.
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- It’s free
- It lets us identify which Congressional district you are in. This information is critical for us when we meet with members of Congress to ask them to cosponsor the bill.
- It also allows us to invite you to participate in meetings with members of Congress members their staff.
Contact Us
5614 Connecticut Ave., NW #114
Washington, DC 20015-2604